Friday, November 29, 2019

How to Find the Right ASP.NET Developer

How to Find the Right ASP.NET DeveloperHow to Find the Right ASP.NET DeveloperASP.NET application developers are in high demand now, as mora companies look to carve out a competitive advantage through better custom software programming. Exerienced developers commonly field multiple offers, evidence of an ever shrinking talent pool. That may be great news for job seekers, but its a stressor for employers.In this tough hiring market, managers have to be ready to quickly assess talent and make the right offer to the right candidate. Our salary center can help you determine the average starting pay for ASP.NET application developers in your area. But if youre not an expert in this framework, evaluating candidates will be a challenge. To help you identify the best fit for your companys needs, weve prepared a list of ASP.NET bewerbungsinterview questions you can put to your top candidates. Tailor the questions so they address the specific role youre looking to staff, of course. And if your e at all uncomfortable talking tech, bring in someone from your IT team or a specialized staffing professional who can help with the interviewing and vetting. You dont want to go with your gut here.ASP.NET interview questions the basicsWarm up with some general queries that should be fairly easy for anyone with a working knowledge of the framework. Listen carefully to the way candidates respond to learn how they communicate and solve problems.1. What is ASP.NET, and why do we use it?Here, some candidates will focus on the development side and discuss ease of deployment, multi-language support or compatibility with popular databases. Other interviewees may fixate more on outcomes, such as how ASP.NET can be used to build dynamic websites and applications, how it scales up easily and how it is supported by a global development community.Either way, this question tells you a lot about how candidates view the nature of the ASP.NET application developer role. It also helps you evaluate t heir ability to explain difficult technical concepts to non-experts, a crucial soft skill.2. What is ASP.NET Core?ASP.NET Core is an open-source version of Microsofts ASP.NET. First released in 2016, ASP.NET Core runs on macOS and Linux as well as Windows. The framework has been extensively rewritten, with changes such as the MVC and Web API being integrated into a single model.3. How does .NET support multiple languages?This basic ASP.NET interview question can be deceptively hard to answer, but it helps separate candidates who only know the fact that .NET provides multi-language support from those who have a deeper understanding of how this takes place.A strong response to this question might sound something like To be classified as a .NET language, it has to comply with the Common Language Runtime standard. Code in .NET is compiled to the Microsoft Intermediate Language. After its compiled to the Intermediate Language, language is not a barrier. Code can use or call functions wri tten in other languages.4. What is a postback?A postback occurs when clients request a server response from the page theyre viewing. A simple example of this is a user completing a form and pressing a submit button. In this instance, the IsPostBack property is true, so the server processes a request and sends a response back to the client.A postback will refresh the entire page, while a request to simply retrieve data without fully refreshing is done with a callback.We can help you with your next hireHIRE AN IT PROASP.NET interview questions into the weedsAfter youve covered the basics, you can further assess the extent of candidates expertise with these more in-depth questions5. If a try-catch block doesnt find an exception, what happens to the finally block?Try-catch is a method of handling exceptions in C and other languages. Its effectively a plan B - a way of saying try this and if it doesnt work, then do this. The finally block happens afterwards, and it always executes, whet her there has been an exception or not.Try-catch and finally will be very familiar to more experienced developers who have worked in production environments.6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of user controls and custom controls?This ASP.NET interview question targets two key areas the interviewees knowledge and their approach to ASP.NET application design. Its important not to concentrate too much on factual questions whose answers can be easily found online. Gauging candidates ability to apply what theyve learned is much more beneficial. Some key differences between user and custom controlsUser controls are easier to create but provide limited support for consumers using visual design tools. Theyre best suited for static layouts.Custom controls take more time to build but offer full visual design tool support. Theyre good for a dynamic layout.7. What are some of the page events in the life cycle of an ASP.NET page?The life cycle of an ASP.NET page travels through several different events as the page runs. This question is of an applied technical nature for ASP.NET developers, since it demands familiarity with the entire life cycle, as well as the process of implementing and maintaining the correct code and controls for each stage. Common page events includePreInit, which occurs after the completion of the start stage but before the initialization stage begins. During this event, the developer can create dynamic controls, tischset the master page and theme property dynamically and read the profile property values.InitComplete, which occurs toward the end of the initialization stage. During this event, changes to the ViewState can be applied past the next postback.Control events, which occur during the Load stage. During this stage, the ASP.NET developer handles specific control events, such as the TextChanged event in the TextBox control or the Click event in the Button control.8. What versions of IIS have you worked with?Internet Information Servic es (IIS) is an extensible web server that supports a variety of common Microsoft transfer protocols. There are several versions of IIS - the current one is 10.0, which includes support for HTTP/2 - with a range of design configurations and processing capabilities.The slow-changing nature of many enterprise web server systems means developers may not have worked with the latest version of IIS in previous positions. This question helps ensure your top candidates either have experience working with the IIS version you use or enough familiarity with similar versions to make the transition.9. How do you prevent CSRF attacks?ASP.NET interview questions like this will tell you about candidates experience with real-world applications and their awareness of security issues. A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) involves sending a fake request from the users internetbrowser to a web application. If the user has an active session, this request can potentially be actioned within the application .In ASP.NET, such attacks can easily be prevented with authentication tokens. C has the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute, which follows up a screen request by issuing a token. The token is returned with the request and validated server-side, ensuring the request is genuine. If desired, you can follow this up with further questions about how ASP.NET deals with other security issues.10. What is MVC in ASP.NET?Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a lightweight architecture that makes it much easier to build and test ASP.NET web applications. Its vital to include a discussion of MVC in your interview. MVC breaks each application down into three partsModel - The data domain of the application, normally an actual SQL database. Model objects retrieve and update records.View - The visual components that constitute the user interface.Controller - The components that deal with user interactions, such as keyboard input. Controllers influence views and can also pass values to the model.MVC super sedes the older web forms structure of ASP.NET, so follow-up interview questions could ask about this difference. A developer should know the main advantage of ASP.NET MVC over ASP.NET Web Forms is that each part can be tested separately, without the need to load the entire application, allowing for speedy test-driven development.11. How do you use multiple models to a single view in ASP.NET?ASP.NET MVC allows only one model to be bound to each view, but there are several workarounds for this. Candidates may discuss some or all of these solutions when answering. For example, the ASP.NET framework includes the class ExpandoObject, which is a dynamic model that can be passed to the view.Another common solution is to use the ViewModel class (a single class with multiple models), ViewData (a dictionary object) or ViewBag (a dynamic type property of the ControllerBase class). JSON, Tuple and RenderAction can also be used.Strong candidates should be able to talk through their chosen solut ion and explain how it works. The answer to this ASP.NET interview question offers insight into developers understanding of the framework and their approach to application building.12. What is the difference between stateful and stateless?This query covers some fundamental aspects of ASP.NET application development. The web protocol HTTP is stateless because it doesnt have built-in support for recording states. For example, it doesnt store information about what actions a user has taken during a session.ASP.NET Web Forms tried to make stateful web applications with ViewState, which handled session cookies and session identifiers in a transparent way. The application state was managed on the server. ASP.NET MVC is considered stateless because it doesnt use server-side controls to maintain state. Instead, the session is managed dynamically by the Model-View-Controller components.Effective ASP.NET interview questions balance an assessment of acumen and understanding of the framework. Y ou could also ask about past projects candidates are particularly proud of, or the kinds of work they would like to do going forward. These questions provide insight into how developers approach their careers. In turn, you get to show youre committed to combining candidates goals with your companys objectives. Tags

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Organize an All Hands Meeting for Your Employees

How to Organize an All Hands Meeting for Your EmployeesHow to Organize an All Hands Meeting for Your EmployeesDoes your company hold all-hands meetings? If not, you might want to think about organizing such a meeting. Of course, you should never hold a meeting purely because you want to have an item checked off your to-do list, so heres why, when and how to organize an all-hands meeting. Why You Might Want to Hold an All Hands Meeting? Sometimes you need to get information out to the entire staff, and an all-hands meeting is an excellent opportunity to do that. Yes, you can send out the information via email, but depending on the information, you may find that delivering it in person is a more effective way to communicate. Additionally, depending on how big and spread out your geschftliches miteinander is, the all-hands meeting is a good opportunity to build teams and allow employees to network with each other. and allow employees to network with each other. If your business has several sites, an employee at site A may have a problem that someone at site B can solve, but if they dont know that person exists, they wont ask for help. Finally, an all-hands meeting allows your employees to ask questions in the presence of their colleagues. This frees up your time because you can share the appropriate answer once rather than repeating it over and over for various employees. What Issues Are Best Covered in an All Hands Meeting? unterstellung types of issues are generally better communicated when delivered in an all-hands meeting rather than via email or asking local managers to inform their staff. Introducing new senior leadership. If you have a new president or CEO, you want her to introduce herself to the entire staff. It makes a big difference to people to know the face behind the name and policy changes.New company goals. When your senior team wants to share the company goals with the staff, having everyone in the same room is a great idea. It allows peop le to ask questions, so they understand the logic and reasoning behind the goals.When there is a significant change. This can be a new company acquisition, a divestment, a reorganization, or anything that touches on all areas of the company. Again, open and honest communication are the goals here. These are, of course, not the only reasons to call an all-hands meeting, but make sure that an all-hands meeting is the best way to deliver information before you go to the trouble to organize an all-hands meeting. How to Organize an All-Hands Meeting The first step, as addressed above, is having a useful purpose for an all-hands meeting. Once you have a purpose, you can plan and hold the meeting. First, think through the logistics. You may find that it is fun to choose and invite the speakers, prepare the documents, and plan for networking time, but if you fail on the logistics side, your all-hands meeting wont work. You need to deal with unterstellung issues for a successful all-han ds meeting. Location. If your business is small and you can all fit around the conference table, then this problem is solved. If your company is large- evenif you all work in the same building, youll probably need to rent an auditorium or conference center for your meeting. Make sure you have seating for everyone.Travel. Will people have to travel long distances to come to your all-hands meeting? If people need to drive from a distance, make sure you begin the meeting late enough that your staff doesnt have to leave home at 400 am to make it to the meeting. Remember, leaving home early is a hardship for many. Practicality. An all-hands face-to-face meeting may be the best way to introduce a new CEO. But, if it involves flying people in from multiple locations, and putting them up in hotels, while your offices in these locations shut down for multiple days, its probably not the best idea. Instead, consider doing video conferences. Dont allow people to watch the video conference from their desks, but ask them to come together by location for the team building opportunity of watching the introduction. Food. If this is a short one-hour meeting introducing the CEO, youll just need a location. If its a day-long conference involving multiple speakers and workshops, youll need to arrange for food for lunch and breaks. Who Needs to Present at an All-Hands Meeting? With these logistics sorted, you just need to arrange the speakers. Youll want to have company-wide changes introduced by the CEO/Owner/President. Departmental heads can explain issues that are relevant to their departments, but explanations about company-wide initiatives need to come from the top. Naturally, a change to HR policy can come from the Chief HR Officer, and a shift in marketing can come from the Chief Marketing Officer, but the overall plan including goals, strategy, and vision needs to come from the top. Make sure that all employees are included- or its not an all-hands meeting. If the infor mation is only relevant to managers, then why would you bring the individual contributors to the meeting? If the changes only affect IT, why is accounting taking the time to attend this meeting? What Needs to Happen at an All-Hands Meeting? All information you provide at an all-hands meeting needs to be relevant, timely, critical, and (hopefully) interesting. Sure, introducing how your company will comply with new government regulations is unlikely to result in cheering crowds. But remember, you are more likely to engage people if you present the information in an interesting way. In addition to the speakers and workshops (if applicable), make sure you provide time for networking. Networking is often thought of as something you do to find new jobs, but you can use networking internally as well. You want your staff to know each other. Provide name tags (if you dont generally wear badges) that monitor names and titles and locations. The overall goal of an all-hands meeting is to b ring the company employees together. You want people to leave feeling like the meeting was worth their time. If you cant get the worthwhile feeling, skip the all-hands meeting and send out an email with the information instead.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Manage Gossip in the Workplace

How to Manage Gossip in the WorkplaceHow to Manage Gossip in the WorkplaceGossip is rampant in most workplaces. Sometimes, it seems as if people have nothing better to do than gossip about each other. They talk about the company, their coworkers, and their managers. They frequently take a partial truth and turn it into a whole speculative truth. They speculate about the companys future, whether coworkers will get fired, and what other employees are doing in their personal lives outside of work. In short, employees are capable of gossiping about anything- and they do- in a workplace that fails to manage gossiping employees. Managers and Gossiping Employees Many managers turn a blind eye to employee gossip (or worse, participate in it). It results in low employee morale and a toxic culture. In one company, employees knew that the minute they shared information with their marketing manager, he would share it in his one-on-one meetings with every other coworker. The departments moral e was low, and the gossip made the employees distrust each other and not share anything with their manager- all of it the managers doing. Many employees gossip about the amount of money they make- and often, they dont tell the truth. So, unhappy coworkers beat a path to the Human Resources door asking about their own salary. By law, companies cannot prohibit employees from discussing their salaries, although many companies do have such policies. Their intention is to avoid problems, but they are violating the law in so doing. Employers may not restrict employee discussions about salary. When to Act Expect a certain amount of gossip people want to know what is going on in their workplace, and they like to discuss work issues. The key is to know when the gossip is out-of-hand. You need to act if the gossip is disrupting the workplace and the geschftsleben of work,hurting employees feelings,damaging interpersonal relationships, orinjuring employee motivation and morale. If you find yourself having to address gossip frequently, you may want to examine your workplace to understand the consistent themes in the gossip. Consider that you may not be sharing enough information with employees. It is also possible that employees dont trust you and are afraid to ask about important topics. When employees dont trust their manageror feel that they lack information, they make up information to fill in the blanks. That information is often false, but people may believe it and make decisions based on that information. Or they speculate which can also damage decision making. The results can be terrible and damaging to employees careers and company morale. For instance, if employees hear rumors of layoffs, they may start looking for new jobs and leave when in reality, their jobs were not under threat. Turnover can be very expensive. If gossip has not been managed in the past, gossip tends to become a negative aspect of your work culture. So, dont let negative gossip go unaddr essed. If employees are talking about other employees in a negative manner, it can have serious consequences. Frequently, in a toxic gossip culture, there is a small group of employees who cause problems. They often have power and bully other employees and often can bully the boss. How to Manage Gossip You can manage gossip exactly as you would manage any other negative behavior from an employee in your workplace. Use acoaching approach, when possible, to help the employee improve his or her behavior. Gossip is often a life-long habit and breaking it can take a great deal of effort. Managers who ignore gossip can destroy a department. But, when needed, gossip management starts with a serioustalk between the employee and the manager or supervisor. If discussion of the negative impacts of the employees gossip does not affect subsequent behavior, begin the process ofprogressive discipline with averbal warning, thena formal written, verbal warningforthe employees personnel file. You absolutelyshould fire an employee who continues gossiping after participating in coaching. One toxic person can drive your good employees out, especially if they see that the behavior is going unaddressed. If you assertively deal with gossip,you willcreate a work cultureand environmentthat does not support gossip. You need to answer your employees questions directly and honestly to avoid work-related gossip. If the gossip is personal, you must go to the employees in question and make it clear that their coworkers are not an appropriate topic. Who gossips to you will gossip of you. -Turkish proverb